
Three studios. One collaborative mindset.

Strada hires interesting and talented people with diverse perspectives, making our studios more robust. We build intentional teams that focus on crafting designs that are thoughtful, engaging, and progressive. We work hard and have fun creating together!

When we say "studio", we've got a pretty expansive definition of that. We define the Strada Studio as all of our spaces, technologies, tools and cultures. Some parts of our culture are universally Strada. Others are location specific. It's organic and our internal engagements are a great reflection of who we are and what we're into.


At the intersection of collaboration and innovation, Stradistas are biking enthusiasts, experience designers, detail doodlers, and trailblazers.

Meet Our People

Choose Your Path

What do you want your first or next design experience to look like? What’s on your career bucket list? Have a superpower you are eager to unleash? Do you enjoy creating meaningful experiences? We invite you to discover a new path.

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Let’s discuss how we can create meaningful experiences… together!

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